Legal Resources

JuiceboxDAO and do not provide legal services or advice to project creators – when using Juicebox, compliance is your responsibility.

If you need help assessing your project's needs, finding a legal expert, or legally incorporating your project, consider the following resources:

Recommended Reading

Use these resources to familiarize yourself with some of the legal concerns facing web3 projects and some common solutions.

Legal Experts

Once you have a general understanding of your project's legal needs, you are strongly encouraged to reach out to a legal expert for help addressing them and identifying any further legal requirements.

  • Open Esquire is a group of legal engineers helping projects incorporate and maintain compliance within the United States. Get in touch on their website.
  • If you're looking to find another lawyer, join LexDAO's Discord server and inquire in the find-a-lawyer channel. LexDAO also provides helpful legal templates on GitHub.

Service Providers

You can use these services to form legal entities for yourself or your project.

  • To quickly form a legal entity within the United States, you can use Doola. To form an entity in another jurisdiction, you can use Otonomos. Alternatively, you can register for incorporation directly with the relevant government.
  • MIDAO can help your project incorporate as a for-profit or non-profit Marshall Islands DAO LLC.
  • Opolis helps individuals within the United States set up single-member companies to manage payroll, benefits, and taxes. This can be a great option for independent DAO contributors.


Templates can be a helpful starting point when working with a legal expert – be sure to review any documents with a lawyer before using them.

  • OpenLaw is a framework for legal contracts which can interact with smart contracts. Visit their library for a large collection of open-source legal documents made for web3 projects.
  • The LexPunk Army community provides free templates and resources for on GitHub and on their forum.
  • For common legal documents, you may have success using AI chatbots to create preliminary drafts which you can then improve with a lawyer's help. is an Ethereum-specific AI wallet assistant worth experimenting with. Popular chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard can also be effective. As always, don't use any documents until you have reviewed them with a legal expert.

If you're looking for further resources or have questions, send us a message in the JuiceboxDAO Discord server or on the Contact page.

None of the information, services, or materials offered on (the "Site") constitute, or are intended to constitute, legal, financial, tax, investment, or other advice, and you should not act or refrain from acting based on any information, services, or materials provided on the Site. All content on our Site is information of a general nature and does not address the unique circumstances of any particular user. You are strongly urged to consult with your own legal, financial, tax, investment, and other advisors regarding all legal, financial, tax, and investment-related questions or concerns you have.

For further information, see our Terms of Service.