Fund your thing

Join thousands of projects using Juicebox to fund, operate, and scale their ideas & communities transparently on Ethereum.

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Built for ideas like yours

Juicebox is as versatile as you are, build anything from an NFT project to a boutique crypto lawfirm and everything in between.



Launch a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation with governance in minutes.



All-in-one crowdfunding with powerful treasury management and redemptions.


NFT Projects

Build and launch your NFT project right here on Juicebox with built-in redemptions.


Creators & builders

Whatever you're building or creating — get it launched and funded on Juicebox.

How Juicebox works

It's fast, powerful and easy to use. Launch your project and get funded in minutes.

1. Create your project

Juicebox is the best-in-class tool for crowdfunding your project with ETH - build your supporters' trust by transparently setting up payouts, token issuance, redemption, and other rules in advance.

2. Manage your funds

Get paid in ETH, program your own payouts, token issuance, and redemptions to easily run your treasury completely on-chain — as your community grows, you can update your treasury's rules to grow with it.

3. Build your community

Issue tokens or NFTs to your supporters and use them for governance, token-gated websites, or redemptions. With flexible token issuance and redemption, your project automatically scales to meet your supporters' demand.

Sassy Juicebox Blueberry crossing arms

Why Juicebox?

Open a full-featured Ethereum treasury with programmable spending in minutes.

Community owned

Juicebox is owned and governed by the people — its builders, supporters, and project creators using the protocol.

Battle tested

Juicebox is reliable, open-source, audited, and has been battle-tested by more than 1,000 projects raising over 50,000 ETH.

Trust minimized

Juicebox is non-custodial, meaning you have complete ownership over your project and its funds. Easily customize your own on-chain rules.


Whether you're building a boutique crypto law firm or the next mega-fundraiser, Juicebox is customizable to match your needs.


Safe, Snapshot, or even on-chain governance: Juicebox uses simple standards and works with all of your favorite Ethereum tools.

Juicy picks

Peep our selection of the juiciest projects right now.

Explore categories

Whether it's a fundraiser or NFT project, we've got you covered.


Banny leaning on a stack of ETH coins

Join 1,000+ projects growing with Juicebox

  • Free to launch, just pay gas.
  • Launch now, update later.
  • Personalized onboarding.