
Comics DAO

Collectibles are skyrocketing in value, making it harder and harder for the average person to own something that they have a deep connection to. With ComicsDAO, you can invest however much you like, and be a partial owner in something that usually only millionaires can own. As the value of the comics, the NFTs, and the collection as a whole increases, so too does the value of your ownership. Our plan: ・Raise money to purchase rare comics—the more we raise, the rarer the comics! ・Each comic will be stored in a secure facility that is fully insured. ・The DAO will use advanced scanning technology to safely digitize the comic—without even opening the packaging! No damage at all. ・The scanned comic will be converted into an NFT and placed into the ComicsDAO library. DAO members can enjoy the rarest comics in the world without worrying about damaging the original comics. ・The DAO will purchase graded comics, which can only be read with ComicDAO’s advanced scanning tech.
@comics-daoOwned by:
Total raisedΞ0
