Manage project

Project NFT theme

Customize theme

Modify the colors of your Juicebox Project NFT. This NFT represents ownership over your project.

Project 127 cʏcʟᴇ 107 ᴅᴀʏs ʙᴀʟᴀɴcᴇ Ξ850 ᴘᴀʏouᴛs $150000 ᴛoᴋᴇɴ suᴘᴘʟʏ 1234567890 ᴘʀoᴊᴇcᴛ owɴᴇʀ 0x0000…0000

Custom metadata resolver contract

Custom metadata resolvers replace the default metadata above. They must conform to the IJBTokenUriResolver interface.